
my wife is pregnance 35 weeks. and doctor said that my baby have a mega uretere in right side. i want to know that how can i do ?

Dear Sir,

A megaureter is, so as suggested by the name of the pathology, a dilated ureter ; The ureter is the tube conducting urine from the kidney to the bladder.

Megaureters appear because a stenosis at the junction with the bladder or, on the contrary, because reflux of urine from the bladder into the kidney. Sometimes you can even encounter the two together. Fortunately only one ureter seems pathologic in your baby.

So, no worry. After birth some Xrays and ultrasound will be necessary in order to confirm diagnosis and a medical treatment eventually applied. An operation could perhaps be scheduled one of another day but not always and exceptionally shortly after birth.

Your baby will grow normally and, We’re sure, will be a fantastic one !

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